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High-precision data acquisition of test audio and vibration signals

High-precision data acquisition of test audio and vibration signals


[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72)] With the rapid development of science and technology , spectrum analysis has become one of the important means of testing audio and vibration signals. In this field, PCI/PXI 8811/8814 is a highly respected high-precision data acquisition card. This card provides 8 simultaneous analog input channels, which can realize multi-channel dynamic signal acquisition. With a resolution of up to 24bit and a sampling rate of 102.4Ksps, this card can accurately capture and analyze audio and vibration signals.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72)] PCI/PXI 8811/8814 adopts two coupling methods, AC/DC, and each channel can be independently configured through software . This means that users can freely choose the required coupling method in different test scenarios according to actual needs. In addition, the card is equipped with a digital anti-aliasing filter that can effectively reduce high-frequency noise and suppress frequency aliasing. This design makes the test results more accurate and reliable.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72)] It is worth mentioning that each channel of PCI/PXI 8811/8814 integrates an independent IEPE excitation source. This means that users can easily condition and process related signals such as acceleration sensors and microphones, providing better conditions and convenience for testing audio and vibration signals. Whether it is dynamic structural testing or audio/vibration testing, multi-channel dynamic signal acquisition applications can benefit from this card's flexible channel configuration.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72)] In general, PCI/PXI 8811/8814 is a high-precision data acquisition card designed for testing audio and vibration signals. It has multiple advantages, such as 8 simultaneous analog input channels, high resolution and sampling rate, support for AC/DC coupling, digital anti-aliasing filter and integrated IEPE excitation source. These advantages make it unique in dynamic signal acquisition applications and suitable for high-channel-count test scenarios such as dynamic structure testing and audio/vibration testing. With the continuous advancement of technology, I believe PCI/PXI 8811/8814 will play a more important role in testing audio and vibration signals.

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